What extra methods does xgbxml provide?

Viewing the available properties and methods on xgbxml elements

Each gbXML element in xgbxml has a number of properties and methods.

The are a combination of:

  • Properties and methods inherited from lxml etree.Element (as xgbxml is an extension of lxml).

  • Properties and methods inherited from the gbElement class.

  • Properties and methods that are automatically generated from the gbXML schema file. For example, this method generates the version property and the add_Campus method for the gbXML element.

  • Properties and methods which are custom written for the element. This is bespoke code written for a particular element to provide additional functionality. An example is the get_shell() method of the Surface class.

To view these methods for a particular element, a call to the python built-in function dir can be used. In the example below, the properties and methods of the gbXML element are displayed.

import xgbxml

print([x for x in dir(gbxml) if not x.startswith('_')])
# prints "['AirLoop', 'AirLoops', 'Campus', 'Campuss', 'Construction', 'Constructions', 'DaySchedule', 'DaySchedules', 'DocumentHistory', 'DocumentHistorys', 'ExtEquip', 'ExtEquips', 'HydronicLoop', 'HydronicLoops', 'IntEquip', 'IntEquips', 'Layer', 'Layers', 'LightingControl', 'LightingControls', 'LightingSystem', 'LightingSystems', 'Material', 'Materials', 'Meter', 'Meters', 'Results', 'Resultss', 'Schedule', 'Schedules', 'SimulationParameters', 'SimulationParameterss', 'SurfaceReferenceLocation', 'Weather', 'Weathers', 'WeekSchedule', 'WeekSchedules', 'WindowType', 'WindowTypes', 'Zone', 'Zones', 'add_AirLoop', 'add_Campus', 'add_Construction', 'add_DaySchedule', 'add_DocumentHistory', 'add_ExtEquip', 'add_HydronicLoop', 'add_IntEquip', 'add_Layer', 'add_LightingControl', 'add_LightingSystem', 'add_Material', 'add_Meter', 'add_Results', 'add_Schedule', 'add_SimulationParameters', 'add_Weather', 'add_WeekSchedule', 'add_WindowType', 'add_Zone', 'add_aecXML', 'add_child', 'addnext', 'addprevious', 'aecXML', 'aecXMLs', 'append', 'areaUnit', 'attrib', 'base', 'clear', 'cssselect', 'engine', 'extend', 'find', 'findall', 'findtext', 'get', 'get_attribute', 'get_attributes', 'get_child', 'get_children', 'getchildren', 'getiterator', 'getnext', 'getparent', 'getprevious', 'getroottree', 'id', 'index', 'insert', 'items', 'iter', 'iterancestors', 'iterchildren', 'iterdescendants', 'iterfind', 'itersiblings', 'itertext', 'keys', 'lengthUnit', 'makeelement', 'nntag', 'ns', 'nsmap', 'prefix', 'remove', 'replace', 'set', 'set_attribute', 'sourceline', 'tag', 'tail', 'temperatureUnit', 'text', 'tostring', 'useSIUnitsForResults', 'value', 'values', 'version', 'volumeUnit', 'xpath', 'xsd_schema']"

Schema-based automatically-generated methods and properties

Depending on the version used in the xgbxml parser, a series of automatically-generated properties and methods are created based on the schema for that version.

These properties and methods are useful for working with child elements and XML attributes.

For example, according to the schema the gbXML element can have AirLoop child elements. As such, the gbXML element in xgbxml contains:

  • the AirLoop property, which returns the first AirLoop child element found (uses get_child()).

  • the AirLoops property (named by appending a “s” to the child element name), which returns all the AirLoop child elements (uses get_children()).

  • the add_AirLoop() method, which is useful for creating new AirLoop child elements (uses add_child()).

Similarly, according to the schema the gbXML element can have a temperatureUnit XML attribute. As such, the gbXML element in xgbxml contains: